Our data protection
We treat all data that we have with the greatest respect and we will ensure that we comply with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective from 25th May 2018.
We value our relationship with all of our clients and contacts and take Data Protection very seriously. It is therefore important that you fully understand what information we retain and how we use it.
We therefore wish to be totally transparent about our policy under this Regulation:
What Information We Hold
We will only hold basic information about the named person for our events. This will consist of the information provided to us and will typically consist of name, email address plus telephone number where provided. It is only held so that we can remain in contact during the booking process and beyond. Regarding other members of the tour party involved, we will normally only hold names, birth dates and passport details for the length of the planning and event period. Thereafter, we will not hold any information about these other members and we will not be contacting them later.
How We Will Use It
Where appropriate, we will use the information to contact the named person by email or telephone. This will be routinely done during the booking and planning
process in order to secure the most optimal planning for your benefit. Thereafter, we may contact the named person by email in order to provide information about relevant future events and trips or send out newsletters. You will always have the right to opt out of this. Your
Rights of Access
You have the right to find out what information we hold about you. We will reply with the information within 14 working days.
Who Else Has Access To This Information
No third party will ever have access to any information that we hold about our clients and contacts. It is for internal use only. We will ensure that it is password-protected.
How Often It Is Reviewed
We will review the information held every year and update or remove any data that is no longer up to date or relevant.
Retention of Information
The information will be held in electronic form, generally as a database of contacts.
Display of the Policy
This policy will be attached to all contracts and included in our Terms and Conditions. We will also make reference to it in our emails and include an opt-out from all future contact for all customers to take. If this opt-out is triggered, we will remove all data relating to that person.